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Monday, 8 August 2011

Warning: is a scam!

I'm currently in dispute with for repayment of my fees used to buy referrals. I'll keep you all updated on the progress. This is what happened.

I purchased 50 referrals, was given only 44, a few days later this was further reduced to 38. I did not worry too much, since a common practice is for either the payment processor or the merchant to deduct 'admin fees'. I queried it nevertheless, but received no response - ALARM bells started ringing!!

However, after some weeks have passed and even the 38 refs couldn't get me a single surf credit, i had to do something, i mean for a site that purports to have over 91000 surfers, this would be 'peanuts' as they say, alas this was not to be!

I tried every means possible to communicate, i.e. using the contact button/link provided on the site completing the form 'to the T'; replying to the emails i still get from them (just bounces back), etc.

So i've taken the final lodge a complaint with the payprocessor get my money back! It is currently under investigation...obviously they'd want to get the other side of the story first (which is suppose is only fair). My experience and gut feel though is is going to turn out to be a scam!!

I've already contacted one of the most experienced TE webmasters cum administrator who has a TE ranking site, and he agrees with me, ......the prognosis doesn't look good!

The good part of it is that you've learnt from my mistake ( i hope), you'll also see that cool-traffic was not listed or being promoted on this site....evidence to you that i only promote the best and most reliable programs here....and i have been paid by them or have the results/ difference they've made since i signed up with them.

So you can put your trust in these programmes....remember though that even when some of the programmes are quite good at first, they could turn out to be frauds/scammers or not paying in the end, some by choice, others by circumstance!

Take care out there...


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