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Friday, 26 August 2011

Battle against scam site WON!

A few posts back i spoke about the scam site (which turned out to be not so cool, and actually got few people rather HOT under the collar...LOL), well...i got my money back via a refund from the pay-processor. So if ever you've been scammed, don't just give up when they don't respond to your emails/calls, etc...take it up with the pay-processor, because at the end of the day...their name is also going to be dragged through the mud!!

Lesson learnt!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I'm glad I'm not alone, I also lost cash with about US$50. After that I learned a great deal. I was so angry I even contacted Paypal but as we know it never helped. But the again I decided I will pay my members on time all time.There are two things that help with cheaters to a certain extend 1. Captcha and 2. opt-in process. Scammers are always ahead. Site owners have a tempetion of parading numbers and suspending cheats as well. I have been seriously considering SSL certificate as well. On the lighter note. So your user name is from your interest with galaxies! Interesting.


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