Paid for Emails

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Get Paid To Do Centre (under construction)

This page is dedicated to all 'Get Paid To' Programme types:

  1. Get Paid to Read
  2. Get Paid to Click
  3. Get Paid to Sign-up
  4. Get Paid to do whatever
NB: Get Paid to Survey will have a stand-alone page!! First-up is PTR.


1. Why i use PTR sites

Apart from the obvious monetary incentive, the main reason was to use it as a tool/medium to advertise my affiliate programmes. The earnings from PTR sites are generally less than PTC (Paid To Click sites), but there are advantages. For one, you don't have to login to a particular site every time - the link is sent via email and all you have to do is click it. The site opens and when the timer is done, you are credited and close it...end of story! Secondly, 'cos it comes to your email inbox, you're unlikely to forget to click and earn. NB: on some sites you won't be credited with your referrals' clicks if you haven't clicked yourself, which is fair i suppose. You do have the exception to the rule, e.g. a site like  Paid For Emails pay handsomely considering it is 'relatively' new and only has a few advertisers. I do hope though that it will be able to sustain itself in the long term.

There are quite a few advantages to using PTR sites over PTC:
  1. you can get lots of exposure using their discounted advertising packages;
  2. they have other activities, like manual surf, which you can use to get advertising credits, which is great for newbies wanting exposure, but who do not have the budget!
  3. they have a very low minimum payout, ONLY $1;
  4. variety of payment processors available - Alertpay, MoneybookersPaypal etc.
  5. you gain exposure to a LARGE AUDIENCE!
I've been registered with a few, such as no-minimum and donkeymails for a number of years and have had a few payouts since, without any hassles and the advertising has definitely paid off or should i say paid out! Recent registrations are with taketheinternetback and inboxdollars from whom i haven't received payment yet, but research haven't uncovered anything negative about them. paidforemails is also a recent addition, and aclose friend has received payment already...looks good!

In summary, PTR's might not pay much, but are great for exposure and cheap advertising!!!

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