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Monday, 8 August 2011

What is a Traffic Exchange?

So some of you might be wondering exactly what traffic exchanges (TE's for short) are! It is really very simple....when you join a TE, you surf the site, clicking on sites. Depending on your activity, you'll get the corresponding amount of visitors to your own site, be it a blog, corporate website, or even an affiliate link that you want to promote.

The beauty of it all is that you don't have to pay a single dime for the visitors you'll receive and you can choose how much traffic you want to send to the site - we know some can handle much less than others! They also provide you with various options to advertise your site(s), such as text ads; banner ads, splash pages, or merely an ordinary link.

I've found them to be invaluable and have even got followers to the website and referrals/sign-ups to my programmes this it's well worth your while to take a look at them!

Links to traffic exchanges i promote are to the top left of this site...go for it!!

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