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Thursday, 4 November 2010

Another South African PTC site....going DOWN!

Easyclix have announced the closing of the PTC website at end of November 2010.

It's a shame really, but i must give guys over at easyclix some credit.....they really tried their utmost to keep it going! For me, a number of things about the site is significent: firstly, i must commend them on always responding ASAP to any queries i've had....and the were many - it was always resolved to my satisfaction (and i'm not easily pleased)! Secondly, the site layout was good, making it easy for new users to sign up and navigate. Thirdly, i've never had any issues w.r.t payment - come payout, there is no hassles.

The only thing that did bug me was the quality of the referrals and the allocation of refs. This was quickly sorted though after i complained.  I wish all my other sites could be as accomodating.

So where did they go wrong? Not enough reserach before launch? Is our economy a tad small or perhaps not really geared to this type of marketing or advertising form? Was the payment system flawed or advertising rates too high...or maybe too low?

Yep, many questions....and i don't have the answers!

For me it comes to a focus on the source of revenue: if your main income is from advertising, then by all means get the word ads - lots of traffic, pricier ads - targeted traffic, etc. If your signed up members provide the bulk of income.....make it worth their while to stay members and recruit new members; a task i must admit is easier said than done! Make it exciting, have competitions, etc.

Anyway, wish them good luck in their next endevour and hope they'll take valuable lessons from this experience!


  1. Yeah right, tx. I've already got my perfect match. Don't another to mess it up!

  2. I Agree, Clixsense has been there almost from the start and has been consistent with far!


I'll be glad to hear your valuable comments and feedback.Tx