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Tuesday, 18 December 2007

One step, two steps, three stepss…

Getting on with it....

Let’s leave the story - about the beginning of the departure to a new destination - for later. If this opening sounds a bit confusing to you, then you should read my first entry on this blog titled: “And of we go…” This blog entry will focus on what steps I have taken so far. In other words; how far have I traveled since I departed, uhhmm… maybe I should rephrase that - What course of action (pardon the pun) … have I taken since I started out on this exciting path; towards a destination that has yet to be revealed? NB: More detail on the destination will follow in subsequent blog-entries.
Let’s leave the soppy philosophical stuff, which is starting to bore me and get to the point here.

For starters we go to the 'pre-steps' I’ve taken. I can just imagine you all saying/thinking oh no here we go again, but trust me I have to do this – just stay with me on this one and ‘hear me out’!

Firstly, the realization that I am wasting not only my time and money, but also that of others and furthermore, that although I have dreams (lots of lately!) I have done nothing to realize - there’s that word again – them and make them come to fruition as some would say. Secondly, I needed to internalize this ‘realization’ and get to grips with it. I have heard and read of people going bonkers for failing to understand this ‘new reality’ they needed to embrace.

So embrace it I did; to the fullest extent possible and with total disregard for the possible consequences. I sold my house, which wasn’t bond free anyway and made a tidy profit. This profit was meant to reduce all of our debt in whatever form it may be. The rest of it was allocated to long term investment; making short term dreams come true and ‘start-up capital’. Yep, everything’s always good and fine ‘on paper’, but implementing your plan and getting it to work are two very different ballgames. A quick update: the long term investment has still to pay; the short term goals have come and gone; the startup capital - there is not much left – lots of it have been used to plug some unexpected gaps(more on this later, much later…)

The important thing about these first few steps, is that it made my resolve so much stronger, brought my wife and I even closer than we were and showed my children valuable lessons on how to and not to ‘discover the wild’ so to speak!

The aforesaid seems so doom and gloom – or is it just my imagination – so let me close this chapter on a more positive note. The start-up capital didn’t all go to waste. I procured (now there’s a nice word) a state of the art PC and a laptop with high speed communication links, a decent 4-in-1 printer, corner unit workstation, lots of office stationary and consumables, in fact everything I thought I would need to get me going and sustain me as I embarked.

I hope you look forward to the next chapter as much as I do…..See Ya!!!

Before i go, did anyone get the title thingy with the 'essesss'...? Ask me and i'll attempt to explain!

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