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Saturday, 15 December 2007

And of we go...

My first blog entry.....i mean what else is there to say? As explained in the 'about me' page - this is for me a new start/beginning (beginning sounds so much nicer don't you think!). Shu..and what a journey it has been so far.

Perhaps i shouldn't say a new journey, but really a departure from established routines, ideas, anything old - in the past, and so on, i think you know and understand what i mean!
Being the first blog, i suppose i need to fill you in on a few details. i am sure you would like to know where i am coming from before you i tell you where i am going - i still need to find that out for myself, but at least i've got a pretty good idea - and invite you along!

With so much to say, i think i'll split it up into more manageable chunks, howzat for starters.
And where do i begin to tell the story (reminds you of a song heh! Barbara Streisand if my memory serves me correctly)......

Well i'll start at the beginning - not before the beginning as Timone and Pumba would have it! Ha ha! Just thinking about those two makes me laugh.....

I was born on 27 February 1967 - yes i am proud of having reached the roaring 40's as they say - in a little town called ...i bet Bethlehem came first to your mind, it being that time of the year....Humansdorp, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. It is situated about 80 km from the bigger Nelson Mandela Metropole, which has the city of Port Elizabeth as it primary hub. Port Elizabeth is also called 'The Friendly City' as well as 'The Windy City'. I grew up and spent at least half of my 40 years there.

Watch this space for the next installment.......

Do use the poll to let me know about my initial efforts.....Ta ta

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