The age old question - since the dawn of PTC - is who truly rules the PTC waves? Now there's been some very worthy contenders over the years.
First up is Bux.To immediately comes to was without doubt the leader of the pack by a huge margin. Goodness knows what happened there.....perhaps greed got hold of those in charge; i wouldn't know and won't speculate, suffice to say that three years later they still owe me almost $200 in click commissions and also owe countless others i know - indeed, forums abound with tales of woe and warning of it being a scam, which it has now become.....TRAGIC.
Another sad story is that of Adbux, who at one time even had lawsuits against Bux.To (or was it the other way around - i can't quite recall, so long ago it was. This one too went down the drain. I've given up on the bucks i'm owed!
Now be careful these two still operate....Don't go there!
Uronlinebux was not that big (as a PTC) and started out as a website that reviewed moneymaking programs in general, rating them and also creating blacklists of sites to stay away from. I'm still making money from sites they recommended back then. When they branched out to create their own PTC site, things got out of hand.....they promptly closed down the site....and again i lost out on some bucks. The site has made a comeback giving all sorts of smart advice on how to make money-online. Only those who don't know their history of course will trust their utterings. They should've stuck to what they their reputation is in pieces!
There were many others from i got paid, but they are not worth a mention, they've come and gone - at least by this time i had learnt to read the signs and managed to cash out before they close down.
That's just a bit of history....and may it not be repeated soon!!
To get back to the here and now. I've got 3 'oldhands' and 1 newcomer - how do they play out? My ranking is as follows:
Clixsense ;
Wordlinx and
Getbuxtoday - in that order - 1st to 4th. Why?
Clixsense have plenty ads right through the day; the new layout does wonders and is easy to navigate. 4 different payment options are available; payouts go at least 8 levels deep. Recently micro ads have been added. Not really my cup o' tea, but still it's there if you need the extra bit.
Neobux, has been very innovative, but i feel they've lost the plot a bit with the recent pay scheme changes, which favours the advertisers more, also, some of my referrals who have not upgraded have complained that not enough value ads are available (i used to get at least 4-5 as a free member), they focus more on the so-called 'micro ad' which pays a puny 0.001c. Meaning you have to click 10 ads to get 1 cent.....come - Neobux you can do better....i know! At least it's just 3 seconds each to click, so it basically works out the same in the end - both with time and money, but still all the EFFORT! It is a trusted site though and pays instantly.
Wordlinx also has been around for a long time and is well known and trusted throughout the PTC community. It has recently launched Moreshare, a sister site where you can share links, earn credits and get free advertising. For a free member they don't have too many ads, but still it's worth it if you know you'll get paid.
My favourite site at the moment, for which i have high hopes is Getbuxtoday. This new kid-on-the-block has certainly got the PTC world agog. a lovely site and layout with some interesting new features not seen on other PTC sites, my bet is that it'll soon leapfrog my top three in no time. The only reason i don't have it at the top of my list.....loyalty to the 'establishment' (for now at least)!
So there you have it, my verdict, a bit of history and some hope for the future in the ever evolving world of PTC! So if you want to earn some money on tried and tested sites, click on any of the links on this site...IT IS GUARENTEED TO PAY....for now at least....LOL!